「キャプテン翼」新作アニメPVが公開! 「キャプテン翼」アニメ化記者発表会2







 その後も続編が連載され、2013年から「グランドジャンプ」(同)で最新作「キャプテン翼 ライジングサン」が連載中。1983年、94年、2001年にテレビアニメ化され、劇場版も製作。舞台化もされた。

 今回のアニメは「ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ダイヤモンドは砕けない」の加藤敏幸さんが監督を務め、「ポケットモンスター」の冨岡淳広さんがシリーズ構成を担当。アニメーション制作は「ジョジョの奇妙な冒険」 シリーズのデイヴィッドプロダクションが務める。



 <キャスト>大空翼:三瓶由布子△若林源三 役:鈴村健一△岬太郎:福原綾香△石崎了:田村睦心△日向小次郎:佐藤拓也△ロベルト本郷:小西克幸

Released the PV of new anime “Tsubasa – Captain Tsubasa”!

On December 13th, the information that the extremely popular manga “Tsubasa – Captain Tsubasa” by Youichi Takahashi, released in the 1980s, made the feverish soccer game, which is about to made in a new movie publicized.

The movie started from the episode “Shōgakuusei-hen”, which is still true to the original manga, but also changed the name of the game and the shape of the uniform, to comply with modern tastes.

Moreover, the information about Sanpei Yuuko who voiced for the protagonist Tsubasa Oozasa, Kenichi Suzumura voiced for Genzō Wakabaya, and Key Visual (visual concept throughout the media campaign) depicting the first encounter of two characters also released.

Additionally, the information that Ayaka Fukuhara acted as Tarou Misaki, Mutsumi Tamura acted as Ryo Ishizaki, Takuya Satou as Kojiro Hyuga, Konishi Katsuyuki as Roberto Hongo publicized as well.

On the same day, Author Takahashi of the original manga also appeared at the press conference announced the decision to make the adapted anime movie in Tokyo.

Takahashi smiled and shared his opinion about the 4th anime adaptation, “I am grateful to continue working on the movie based on my works”.

He was pleased and excited about Key Visual, “the first image of the story that began with the confrontation between Tsubasa and Wakabayashi is really good”.

